May 12

Carole King: “Chicken Soup with Rice”


Maurice Sendak, 1928-2012

Maurice Sendak, the great children’s book author and illustrator (only Dr. Seuss was his equal), passed away early today at the age of 83. In his memory, today’s selection is “Chicken Soup with Rice,” one of a number of Sendak poems and stories adapted by Sendak and put to music by Carole King for the Really Rosie animated TV musical.

If you aren’t already very familiar with Sendak’s books, there’s nothing I can say that would be any more worthwhile than suggesting you go out and read as many of them as you can, with a young child to enjoy them with you if possible. And if you are already very familiar with his books, you know what a loss it is to no longer have him in the world with us.

Imagination has rarely been put to better use.

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