Aug 11

A couple of days away


As much as I hate to do it, I’m going to have to be off for a couple of days, away from Internet access once again. You’d think they’d have set up some hotspots in the wilderness by now, wouldn’t you?

In any case, there won’t be any new posts until this Thursday, maybe even Friday. Although I’d tried to get a couple of posts written in advance, it didn’t quite work out timewise, so please just take this opportunity to look around at some of the posts you might have missed back in May, June, or July, listen to the playlist while you’re doing something else, or leave some comments on things you didn’t have any thoughts about the first time around. I know you must have thought of something to say by now. If you do, I’ll reply when I get back…promise.

Thanks for stopping by…see you in a few!

One Comment

  1. Zachary says:

    Come back now, ya hear!

Comments, please…

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