Jun 12

Comment Spam of the Week: May 28-June 1


It’s been a little while since I’ve had a chance to sort through my comment spam, but I’m glad I did this week, if for no other reason than to send ol’ Dave Breighner on his merry way, rather than make him wait any longer for a reply from me. You see, Mr. Breighner sent me a comment (spam), on my post about Buffalo Springfield’s “Rock & Roll Woman,” that went something like this (and his spam link went to a pretend site that played off the keyword “monster,” for whatever reason):

Fantastic articles. I are a writer, are you interested in using the services of me personally intended for articles?

Well, Dave, thanks, but I doesn’t think that the services of you would work very well with the blog of me.

You might say that decision was a “No Breighner” . . .

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