Apr 12

Comment Spam of the Week: April 9-13


You’ll excuse my lack of a comment spam summary last weekend — it’s spam . . . really, who cares?

This week, however, brought an interesting comment to my “Comment Spam of the Week: March 26-30” post (funny how these things seem to feed upon themselves, huh?). It came from someone going by the moniker “Effects of Smoking Cigarettes” (I mean, of course I realize that’s not their real name — I’m not that gullible). Appropriately enough, the accompanying spam link is for a cigar info site. But that’s not what’s interesting. It’s this:

I heard about this forum because Gordon Brown is always bad mouthing it for detesting him. I quite like him but I would not say I am fan of his entirely. any hoo I look forward to taking part in the chats and possibly bad mouthing some one myself – if the need arises.

Well, “Effects,” my detesting of Gordon Brown here on Reselect is the stuff of legend, so I’m not surprised. I say something nasty about him in practically every post. You are talking about Gordon Brown, former prime minister of the United Kingdom, right? I know he reads this blog constantly. Oh yes, I can tell you’re out there, Gordon, you can’t fool me. You and your badmouthing.

Speaking of which, “Effects,” I’m with you on one thing: there’s nothing like a good afternoon of badmouthing someone to lighten my mood — I’d look forward to it as well if I were you. Unfortunately, I don’t have any chat section on Reselect.com yet. But just hang in there, maybe I’ll get that started one of these days — you’ll be the first to know!


  1. JudyK says:

    Ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks for the laughs, Dave!

Comments, please…

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