Mar 12

Comment Spam of the Week: March 5-9


This week’s Spam of the Week comes from Tijuana Weinkauf (which is so funny, because that is exactly what we were going to name our son if we had been tripping on LSD when he was born and had been of Mexican-German heritage!), whose spam link took me to a nonexistent site. (How’s that for subtle marketing?) But then again, if a spam link takes you nowhere, can it truly be called spam? That is a question I will leave to the spam philosophers.

In any case, Tijuana started out with a bit of flattery, when she commented on my post about the Runaways song, “Hollywood“:

Appreciate your using event to discuss this kind of story.

All I can say to that is thank you — compliments such as this are rare and confusing. It means the world to me.

And then T.W. went on:

Is it possible to advocate any kind of webpages that go over matters? I’d like to realize a lot more.

Well, if I recall correctly, I think there are indeed quite a few Web pages that go over matters. In fact, I’d like to list them here, but I don’t know that I have the necessary number of years remaining in my life to finish typing it. And as for realizing a lot more, I’d be happy to get you started, by helping you realize what I hope is a lifelong dream of yours: knowing the secret to a good life. And it is this: “Always be sure to have plenty of event on hand.” I hope that made more sense to you than it does to me.

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