Dec 11
Sufjan Stevens: “Come on! Let’s Boogey to the Elf Dance!”

That’s right: Sing along with such happy songs as “That Was the Worst Christmas Ever!”
I feel like I’m already a bit behind in posting Christmas tunes if I want to get in a lot of my favorites before Christmas, so I’m foregoing Cover Friday for another Christmas song. And today I’m selecting an original Christmas song by Sufjan Stevens with the unwieldy title of “Come on! Let’s Boogey to the Elf Dance!” It comes from Stevens’ sprawling 2006 collection of Christmas songs, the appropriately titled Songs for Christmas. “Sprawling” is rarely a word you hear associated with a Christmas album, but this collection is actually made up of 5 EPs that he recorded between 2001 and 2006 for friends and family, and comprises a total of 42 songs. And covering a wide array of styles, with both originals and traditional Christmas classics, it is indeed sprawling.
In a way, I’m picking this song as much to represent the whole, entertaining Songs for Christmas as for the song itself. Of course, it is one of my favorites of the originals on the set, but there are a number of others I would have been just as happy selecting. But “Come on! . . .” is among the most upbeat and straightforwardly “happy” Christmas songs on the album [definitely not a given, considering other songs on the set, such as “Did I Make You Cry on Christmas Day? (Well, You Deserved It!)”], and probably the one you could most likely imagine being sung by others in future Christmas seasons — except for that title. Who’s going to remember what the song is called, and for those who do, who’s really has time during the busy Christmas season to say the whole thing? Let’s just call it “Elf Dance,” shall we? In any case, this album contains something for everyone, for every mood, however you may typically spend the season…
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